Monday, January 13, 2014

Eurotrip: Croatia addition

"The weekend we became Croatian Fugitives"

So my first ever side trip in Europe is officially Croatia. A bunch of us decided to take a roadtrip to Croatia this weekend and this is what went down. 10 of us in the group organized a roadtrip to Croatia with two different cars over four days. My car was Therese, Claudia, Jake, and Steve (driver)! This whole trip was probably one of the craziest things I'll do my whole study abroad here in Budapest. I mean when in my life will I ever roadtrip throughout Europe with 9 other people?! Umm the answer to that is probably never... 

We left on Thursday night after everyone got done with their classes and drove through the night until we couldn't drive anymore and pulled over to sleep in the cars. So the car ride itself was just epic! I have no idea how to really describe the feeling of driving through another country with a bunch of people that I really don't even know that well yet. Steve drove most of the time and all of us in the car just hungout and talked most of the way there. 

The spot that we decided to park at ended up being right next to a church and as we drove along the hills in the morning we got to take in the sunrise. Driving through Croatia was so beautiful, all the hills and cliffs looking out onto the sea was breathtaking. No joke probably the prettiest drive I have ever experienced in my life.

Now the real fun started, we arrived at a beach!! All of us got out of the cars and hungout on the beach while I made everyone PB&J sandwiches (mom status all the way). Steve even taught me how to drive stick shift while we were at this beach (I started the car better than Jake did.... ). Next on our trip was Dubrovnik. Old city Dubrovnik had a huge castle overlooking the Adriatic Sea and we all walked around and toured the city before we got hungry for some lunch. We ate at this really dive place that no one liked, but my food was pretty good.

After lunch Claudia, Alison, Rahdika, and I went to the beach and just laid out and swam. The others went off somewhere else, but we were content on just hanging at the beach. As we left Dubrovnik to get to our airb&b in Split, Jake ended up having a little too much fun and passed out the car ride back. This was actually super entertaining for all of us in the car, except for the fact that the car ride had so many turns and Jake's kind of a big boy... So Claudia and I ended up getting smushed in the back :/
It took us all forever to get to Split and by the time we got there and found our airb&b we were all starving and dead tired. The airb&b was super cute and very homey. Steve and I both ended up passing out on the sofa couch when everyone tried to go get food. In the morning we all woke up and made a family breakfast before we headed out to the beach for the day. I liked Split a lot more than Dubrovnik, because it was way less touristy and quieter. 

We all just chilled in the water and on the beach all day, it was such a perfect day. Of course everyone cracked jokes about me being super pale and how I "glowed", obviously they are all jealous of my perfect pale skin. 
The next morning we all packed up our stuff and started our way back to Budapest. Along the way we stopped a few times to enjoy the scenery and to also check out Plitvice Lake, which is a national park in Croatia.
Plitvice Lake National Park is filled with a lot of natural waterfalls and beautiful scenery. We walked our way through the different parts of the park until we stumbled upon a little pond. Some people decided they wanted to swim in the ponds and ended up almost getting kicked out of the national park! Needless to say never a dull moment on this trip.

This was such a great weekend! I could not have asked for a better group to roadtrip with. Croatia was beautiful and magical and I can't wait for more trips to come. Until next time-- Szia!! 

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