Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When friends come to visit

"The Walsh's and Ben Conde visited forever"

It has seemed like everyone has had friends visiting at some point on this trip and finally it's time for my friends to come and visit!! Yay!! Well I'm kind of using Therese's friends as my friends, which I am friends with Eva so it's not really off base... 

Anyways when they all came and visited it felt like we were repeating our first week in Budapest all over again. It was filled with a lot of sightseeing and a lot of late nights. Therese had class the day that the gang got back from Vienna so I spent most of the day taking them around; lunch on Raday, Gellert Hill, and the market. It was so much fun to see Eva and them and just be around people that I haven't seen in a while, also it's sooo funny to see Jamey, Eva, and Therese together!! Love the Walsh's. 

These guys came right in time for Thanksgiving and got to spend the wonderful holiday with us. Day after Thanksgiving we did a bunch of touristy things during the day as well. We all went to Pizzetta down the street for lunch and later all went to the Opera. So everyone was kind of getting over all the wine from Thanksgiving and we went to see an Opera with Hungarian subtitles.. I am proud to say that I was the only one who didn't fall asleep! Probably the funniest moment was after the performance when Stefphon was in his tux eating McDonald's, super casual ya know?!!

Therese & Jamie so silly

Later that night I went over to the Italian's with Claudia and a bunch of other people. A lot of the group went to Vienna during the day and were gonna meet up with us after at the bar we were going to. We all went to Lokal (ha I finally made it out to Lokal!) and there was so weird new wave music playing that night. Some craziness was happening at the dorm apparently because when the Walsh group met up with us at Lokal there were some interesting stories being told... I won't go into detail but pretty much a friend of Stefphon has a weak bladder and slept on Therese's bed. 

Next day Claudia and I decided to be productive and get work done at the Starbucks by St.Stephen's Basilica. We were really more motivated to get work done, because the Christmas Market was right outside the Basilica and we figured we'd check it out after "working" on school stuff. The market is so adorable!! Ah I love Christmas time it's even more amazing in Europe if you can believe that!!

Later at night a bunch of us went to this really cool ruins pub called Fogasház. I seriously think this is my favorite ruins pub in Budapest!! It was soo cool and big and had awesome music and it was a really really really fun night! We went there because Arielle's friend was having a birthday party. All of us were just hanging out and enjoying the night. Fogasház means dentist in Hungarian so there were teeth and mouths all over the place, so nuts!! There was also a piano at the bar which was just totally random, like seriously favorite bar in Budapest!!

The morning was such a struggle, let me tell you (those dam Walsh sister's and their tequila). Well I had to get myself together so that I could go pick Ben up at the airport. I was super excited that Ben was coming to visit, because we've been friends since freshman year at the dorms!! Eeee, I was soo excited to see my Ben Conde, but getting to the airport was a major struggle on my end... When I saw Ben at the airport it was like I never really left home, it was so normal to see him and didn't feel like I had been living in Budapest for 3 months. 

All of us went out on Monday for the visitor's last night. Jamey and Stefphon were going home and Ben and Eva were going to Italy to travel around. So this had to be the funniest moment of the trip going out wise. There's this bar on Monday nights that everyone goes to called Morrison's. Now on Monday's they have a deal where it's 500 forints for cover and you get 3 beers as long as you're there before 11. Claudia, Ryan, Kathy, and I tell the group that we'll meet up with them later and head to Morrison's for the deal. We get off of the tram at 10:50 and it's a bit of a walk, all of a sudden Ryan starts jogging and us girls start too. Claudia, Kathy, and I are dying of laughter running for a beer deal and half to keep stopping to pull our pants up or because I couldn't stop crying since I was laughing so hard!!! Don't worry we made it at exactly 11 and it was the best damn beers ever! #dreamteaming!! We went to Kolor after to meet up with everyone and enjoy their last night. It was a great way to end their stay in Budapest. 

The next morning it was a bit stressful watching everyone leave, they are not the best planners with traveling. Ben and Eva ended up missing their flight to Italy and stayed in Budapest for an extra couple days. But we were going to see Ben and Eva before they flew home so it wasn't sad watching them leave. 

It has been a crazy week with all the visitors and I'm kind of glad their leaving. I mean I loved having them here, but I have sooo much school stuff to work on for finals!! My last big trip is coming up, Italy so crazy excited for this trip-- Szia!

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