Monday, January 27, 2014

Thanksgiving abroad round 2

"Budapest Friendsgiving"

 Oh Thanksgiving, one of the most beloved holidays in the States. It's the kick-off to the holiday season, end of classes, and involves my most favorite thing in the world... FOOD!!! This is now my 2nd Thanksgiving that I have spent abroad (1st time was when I visited Rach in England) and let me just tell you how much I was looking forward to Thanksgiving!! I pretty much organized us all getting together and bringing a Thanksgiving like dish, because Thanksgiving is honestly my favorite holiday. I mean it's an excuse to eat as much as you want!!! 

Thanksgiving in Budapest was nuts!! Our kitchens kind of suck and really only a few ovens even work. It was a little stressful trying to get everyone to bring/cook something, but in the long run everyone came together and made it that much better of a day. Oh and in case you were wondering, no we did not have turkey for Thanksgiving, instead we got fried chicken from the place downstairs and it didn't even matter.

When it came time to eat we ended up having more than enough food and pretty much a bottle of wine per person! It was a good thing we had so much food, because we had a bunch of guest visiting for the break! Cooking and getting Thanksgiving ready I think brought us all together more as a Budafamily. You really don't realize how close you get to people until a moment like this presents itself. Hassaan gave the Thanksgiving toast, which was very fitting and quite adorable! 

Anyways just check-out how good our food looked...



 The food was all soo good!! I couldn't even finish my plate, I think partly because I was full from the wine :/ All of us were having such a good time hanging out with each other it was my favorite Thanksgiving I think I've had ever! After dinner we all went out to Szimpla to continue our celebration. 

It was so much fun to spend Thanksgiving with my Budafamily and it makes me sad to think that our time together is coming to an end. Until next time-- Szia!

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