Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Praha Baby

"My weekend in Prague"

On to the next weekend and next trip of my fabulous study abroad experience:
Next place Prague, Czech Republic
Source of transportation: train
Accommodation: hostel
Food and Drinks: nomonomnom

A bunch of us just got back from Prague this weekend and it was a truly wonderful trip. We took the overnight train from Budapest to Prague and all of us were super pumped, because it was a lot of peoples first actual trip for study abroad. Prague was a perfect city for a trip. There is really just something about the city that is just so magical, like seriously Prague is such a pretty city.

First on our weekend itinerary was to take a walking tour of the city to see all the sights and learn something at the same time. Therese was a know-it-all during this part of the tour. The old town part of the city is absolutely my favorite part of the city. Prague was almost entirely untouched by WWII, because Hitler planned for Prague to be his retirement spot after the war was over. City center is surrounded by all these cute buildings that are mostly pastel colors and once you turn the corner you see the huge Astronomical clock!! The Astronomical clock is a giant clock that tells the time, the position of the moon and sun, and on every hour becomes a big giant moving clock (unfortunately we never got to see this, but I've been told it's kind of underwhelming)...

After exploring for the day, Therese, Rob, Bani, and I went for a drink at an old school Czech pub, Fleku. This pub was so authentic (at least it seemed so to me) we all sat on benches and the server came around and placed beer and digestives in front of us. The beer was delicious (beer was first made in Czech) and the digestive was a honey wine that is very famous in Czech. Of course Rob takes the digestive as a shot... silly Rob. After our midday beer we headed over to an amazing Czech restaurant to meet up with Claudia, Radhika, Alison, Jess, and Kathy. The food at dinner was soo yummy, def one of my top meals of the trip.
For the night all of us met up at Claudia's hostel for a pub crawl. Now the deal for this pub crawl was all you can drink sangria and beer to pregame with before the pub crawl started. You can probably figure out where this story is going. All of us took full advantage of this deal, including yours truly, double fisting wine glasses full of super sweet sangria is really never a good idea. Upon making it to the 2nd pub Alison comes into the bar with literally the biggest bar of Milka chocolate that I have seen so far (this is honestly why I love this girl). Bani and I of course headed home early, best idea I think we made on the whole trip.

In the morning we were a little slow moving, mainly because of the activities of the night before. But, we rallied and had a great day. The day included more sightseeing around the city. We made it to the Charles Bridge and 2 different McDonald's before we finally found the John Lennon Wall (I honestly think the wall isn't meant to be found, because it took us about 2 hours to actually find it). Oh and before we ever even made it to the Lennon Wall Therese and I found yoyo-ers on the street and of course had to go to their store to try and find Ben Conde's yoyo. It was an unsuccessful journey, but still a fun little detour of the day.

 The Lennon Wall was a really cool spot, where street artists come and draw inspirational quotes and pictures in honor of what John Lennon stood for. Next on the list for the day was to hike up to the castle. This took us about as long as it took us to find the damn Lennon Wall. It seemed like most of the day we spent wandering, which was actually nice and ultimately led to a very comical day.

We ended the day meeting everyone at a restaurant where you could pull your own beer and compete with the tables around you to see who could drink the most beer in a certain amount of time. The next day we made our way back to Budapest on a day train. It was bittersweet leaving this beautiful city, but Budapest is feeling more and more like home every weekend. I am super stoked for Krakow next weekend and more trips to come!

Until next time--- Szia!

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