Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Exploring Budapest Part 2

"Day Hiking and Gellert Hill"

The morning after Wine Festival I went hiking with Claudia, Radhika, Alison, and Claudia's tandem partner. It was kind of a struggle to get up in the morning after all the wine the night before, but we rallied. 

We started the trip up the highest hill in Buda by taking a bus. From the bus we got to take a ski lift up to get farther up the hill. This was my first time ever taking a ski lift and it was a little nerve wrecking, but we got a great view. Once we got up the hill we started our "hike" up to the highest point in all of Buda. 

Fun fact, Hungarian's really don't think of hiking in the same way we do. For us Americans we think of hiking as any other outdoor physical activity. Your heart rates going to be pumping and your butt is going to be burning. But, nope Hungarians think of hiking as more of a day time stroll in a park. Claudia, Radhika, Alison, and I looked pretty funny in all our work out gear! So pretty much our whole hiking experience was walking up one small hill and then walking up the steps of a tower. The view was wonderful though, you could see all of Budapest. After our hike we went to grab lunch and headed back to Pest. 

Once we got back to the dorms we all finally planned our first trip!! A bunch of us had been talking of taking a roadtrip to Croatia for the weekend and we were all so excited! After we figured out the details about Croatia, Jake and I went on a run to Gellert Hill. I really like going up Gellert Hill, because it reminds me of doing the hill back home with Lizzy. Jake and I reached the top of the hill and then explored around the hill on the way down. It's so easy talking to Jake, he kind of reminds me of Danny and Pookie.

I had such a busy and exciting day after the festivities of this past weekend. I can already tell that I'm going to be sick this week, hopefully I won't be too sick to go to Croatia. Anyways more to come--Szia!

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