Monday, January 20, 2014

Midterms in Budapest

"I swear I actually have classes"

So this is just going to be a short post where I'm going to actually talk about school for a change.. I know what you're thinking, all you're doing studying abroad is traveling! Well that is false, I have three days of classes each week and like with any other school we have midterms (Joy). I also am taking four very very difficult classes... History of Modern Europe, Film & History, Intro to Hungarian Language, and Organizational Behavior woot woo!

The long weekend that I just posted about where everyone was gone on trips, was the weekend before midterms. So ya know none of us put much effort into studying, but heck our classes all seemed so easy thus far that not many of us bothered to study that much. 

Yours truly didn't not put much effort into studying for midterms and because of my stellar procrastination skills I did not do too hot on some of my tests! But, I am able to make up my poor efforts with one midterm retake and many many extra-credit papers!! Wahoo ya me.. :/

Anyways this was definitely a rude awakening reminding me that I need to buckle down and focus on class a little more. So now is the time where I become a real student and not just a world traveler! It shall be interesting to see how this whole balancing act works out... Wish me luck?! 

Until next time--- Szia! 

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