Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sushi Dates!!

"Ah salmon skin roll!!"

Ahh sushi dates! Love love love that I have found someone in Budapest to go on sushi dates with me! I am very fond of my sushi dates back home, just a btws. Arielle found this awesome sushi restaurant kind of close to campus that we have been going to for sushi dates/vent sessions!

I absolutely love these days where Arielle and I go and just can talk about all the randomness and craziness of the trip so far! Arielle likes to do her own thing and has made friends with a lot of locals in Budapest. She doesn't hangout with the group a lot so our sushi dates are really nice! Arielle reminds me a lot of Agatha, who I miss very dearly, and I feel like I can really just open up to her about things that have been bugging me. Arielle is really a great person to just talk to about life with!

Also we both really really really like sushi and food in general so these little lunch dates have become more frequent. Until next time--- Szia!!

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