Saturday, January 18, 2014

Back to Budapest

"The weekend we will never remember"

Ahh the first time staying in Budapest for what seems like forever. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love traveling, but it's nice to be able to spend more than 4 days here before packing up to go somewhere else. Just because I didn't go anywhere this weekend does not mean it wasn't eventful. As you can read from the title of this post it is a weekend a lot of us (or maybe just me) will never remember... 

This week was Claudia's Birthday! Not sure if I've mentioned this before in a post, but I love celebrating other peoples birthday's. I think it's always more fun to celebrate someone else's birthday than my own birthday. With that being said I believe I celebrated Claudia's birthday like it was my own birthday... 

Da bday girl!!
Seriously though what I remember from Claudia's birthday was a lot of fun!! We had an awesome birthday party for her in the kitchen and then we all went to Szimpla to continue the celebration. Probably the best part of the birthday celebration was waking up the next morning to Claudia being convinced she never left the dorms -_- ahhah silly girlie! 
The weekend was pretty chill otherwise. I had to work on a paper so I couldn't do much during the day, but Kevin Yu and his friend came and visited from Barcelona so Therese and I showed them around the city. This was really fun, because we went to see Buda castle and Fisherman's Bastion (which I had not seen yet). Both were so pretty during the daytime and it was such a wonderfully nice day out. I mean it's October and I was wearing shorts during the day!! It was fun to be a tourist in Budapest again for a change. I kind of forgot how many cool places there are in Budapest that I still haven't seen yet. 

Later at night all of us rounded up the troops for a big pre-game in Nick and Kane's room. This was another night that seems to slip my memory. I was so happy that I finished my paper that I decided to celebrate a little too much... Oh well we all wanted to go to A38 (a club on a boat), but I never even made it out of the dorms. Instead Alison, Jess, and I made grilled cheeses and went to bed; such a great decision in hindsight. 

Next morning Alison, Rahdika, and I checked out the flea markets over by Hero's Square and just enjoyed walking around in the warm fall weather. Oh and I almost forgot to mention how this weekend we got our wifi taken away because we were too loud celebrating Claudia's birthday in the kitchen.... umm so yeah that happened :/ Of course this happens the one weekend I actually have homework

Until next time-- Szia!!

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