Friday, February 14, 2014

The perks of being a nanny

"My job is pretending to be a mom" 

Over the summer I decided to quit my remedial office job and nanny. I've been babysitting/nannying for families since I was 13 years old, so I figured why not get one last "real" summer. 

Since coming back from Budapest I have been nannying for Nolan and Harrison. It was really nice to be able to come home to a job right away and I love this family so much that it isn't even really work. 

But onto why being a nanny has so many perks!! Like I just mentioned the family I watch for is super awesome! I have been watching for this family since I was a freshmen at DePaul and have really gotten to know them. When I was in Budapest I missed this family so much, this is also probably the reason everyone thought I was a mom cuz I just couldn't stop talking about my little nugget!! 

Thank god nannying isn't always like this
Anyways getting off topic here, perks: the mom picking me up coffee from Starbucks before she leaves in the morning

The humor that comes with watching a 6 month old and almost 3 year old (never a dull moment).

Getting picked up when it is -10 degrees out and snowing. 

Going on Starbucks dates with babies and the stares I get from all the people there (really people, you think I'm their mom?!)

Getting about an 1-2 hour break each day for "nap time"

The ease back to a daily routine. 

I didn't want to come home and go straight for a new internship, because I didn't want to become too overwhelmed. For now nannying is the perfect part-time job and I'm enjoying the company that comes with hanging out with kids all day. I mean if you think about it I get to pretend to be a mom for a few hours a day and then go home and hangout with friends (not like I want to be a mom anytime soon).  

--Until next time!! 

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