Friday, February 7, 2014

Finals week

"I really don't know what real school is"
See we do go to school
Oh finals week, the most dreaded week of all of studying abroad. For some reason the classes I am taking in Budapest are actually a lot of work!! I thought studying abroad was suppose to be easy, umm jokes. I mean I guess I travel the majority of my weeks and don't spend much time focusing on school. But, there's just so much to do and see in a short amount of time, so school kind of gets pushed to the back burners. 

Well anyways finals week in Budapest kicked my a**! I mean majorly! There was no way I was gonna let my grades slip while studying abroad, so I came up with a great study plan: Go to a coffee shop/cafe everyday, study as long as I am capable of, take a nap, and REPEAT! 

Claudia, Alison, and I pretty much lived at California Coffee Company for the entirety of finals week and let me tell you freaky things started happening. I even had to lock the door to our room one day, so I could study without being interrupted (people did not understand why the door was locked).

Now I should explain that finals and midterms never really stress me out that much at DePaul. It might be because I am actually focusing on my classes throughout the quarter at DePaul and learning things. But, here in Budapest it was like we didn't do anything in classes the whole semester and BAM take a 30% of your grade test on all this information that I "apparently" learned over the semester. 

Finals physically and mentally drained me. I mean I was having bizarre dreams, I slept walked in the dorms one night, and I even slept talked/yelled at Therese and Bani :/ I believe I am becoming delusional. But, I know that once finals are over it's a solid few days of just hanging out with everyone and enjoying the last days of being in Budapest. 

Wish me luck? Until next time--- Szia!!

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