Sunday, February 9, 2014

Coming Home

"So bittersweet"

It has come the day to fly home to Chicago. I cannot tell you how bittersweet this feeling is to return home after being gone for so long. I am so unbelievable excited to see my family and friends but so sad to leave. 

Kathy, Jess, and I were on the same flight back and it was really nice to not be traveling alone. It really wasn't until landing back in Chicago that it really hit me that I will not be going back to Budapest. For some reason this freaked me out! I mean it's been four months of going one place to Budapest to another place, that I kind of forgot I will not be going back to Budapest. I guess I just didn't have enough time to really realize this. 

Upon my arrival in Chicago my parents welcomed me home with a large diet coke from McDonald's (umm day made). It was like I hadn't even left seeing them again! When I walked in the door to my house the Downing kids and Rachel had made me welcome home banners and a be-lated birthday cake! 

Later after going to Portillo's for dinner we came home and Rachel surprised me yet again with inviting all my friends over! I was so surprised I didn't even know how to respond. Honestly I was so happy to see everyone, but also felt as if I would burst into tears at any moment. It has been such a crazy 24 hours, and I am so exhausted. It feels so weird to be back and I know it's going to take some getting used to being back. I am so grateful to have such an amazing family and friends to welcome me home with such love. 

I will let you know how adjusting to America is, but in case you were wondering reversal culture shock is real and a serious bummer-- Until next time 

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