Friday, February 14, 2014


"How I've readjusted to America"

As I mentioned in a my previous post about Coming Home, it is going to take me awhile to re-adjust to being in the States. There are obviously a bunch of perks about coming home that come all at once; as in seeing my family and friends again, getting to eat Portillo's, and being able to speak the language. But than there a certain things that are harder to re-adjust to from being away for four months. 

It's such a crazy few weeks that I have at home before DePaul classes start up again. Therese, Eva, and I luckily (thanks to Eva) found an amazing apartment. Coincidentally we live four houses down from Claudia and around the corner from Steve, literally could not have planned that better!! As exciting as it is to move into a new apartment, it is also very stressful. Packing up and moving all my stuff from home, surviving Chicago's Polarvortex, and starting new classes has been exhausting. 

In the mean time, when I'm not super busy, I find myself thinking about study abroad all the time. 

I miss having all my friends live down the hall from me, being able to travel anywhere on a given weekend, not knowing where I'm going or what's going on around me. 

I miss the pastry shops and Spar being down the block. I miss cooking a shitty dinner in a shit kitchen with my best friends. 

I miss not having any responsibilities besides figuring out what hostel I should stay at on a trip. 

I miss the city of Budapest so much, the city that has become home to me and knowing that the next time I go there everything will be different. 

I go through these kinds of thoughts whenever my mind seems to drift off. Soon I'll get in the swing of things once work and school starts back up, but for now I'm starting to realize the true meaning of "reverse culture shock". 

-Until next time!!

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