Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Year, New You

"Welcome to 2014"

A new year is upon us and everyone has probably been making New Year's Resolutions. Now I think New Year resolutions are great in idea, but (at least for me) don't always work out the way you expect them to. 

This New Year's I spent going to the Mid, in downtown Chicago to celebrate with my friends. It was kind of sort of suppose to be a belated birthday bash for me, seeing as I was in Italy on my actual bday and my friends still wanted to celebrate. Of course it decided to snow an inch an hour this year and getting into the city was miserable. We had to get ready super fast at Paulina's and rush to Mike's for the pre-game. 

The night was interesting and after a miserable New Year's day, it is time to think of a resolution. So (drum roll please) I've decided on the resolution of Focus. I know that seems like such a broad topic and you might not see it as a resolution, but for me it works perfectly. I am a Junior and will be graduating early next year, so I really need to start focusing on my life and where I would like it to go. I feel like I just spent the last four months discovering who I really am and what I truly want to accomplish in my life. With this whole new set of knowledge I really want to focus on my self and what I'm going to be doing after graduation and for years after.

Hope everyone had an amazing New Years and have come up with some pretty great resolutions of your own. I'll check in from time to time to let you know how the whole focusing thing is going. 

--Until next time!

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