Monday, November 4, 2013

Touched Down in Budapest

"Budapest Baby"

 I finally arrived in Budapest!! I can't tell you how surreal it feels that my study abroad experience has started. I have been looking forward to Budapest for forever (or so it feels like forever)! My whole first week here seems like such a blur, there was just so much going on.

Freedom Bridge

Budapest is amazing so far! First night here we all went out to a local bar that had karaoke. Started the night off right singing "Sweet Home Alabama" with Isaac and just kept singing and dancing the whole night. I can already tell that all the people I'm meeting are going to become great friends of mine.

The next day I went around with some people and we walked around to Gellert Hill and took a river boat cruise along the Danube. The weather here is gorgeous and the boat cruise was just perfect! You could see everything along the river; Castle Hill, Parliament, and Margaret Island. After the boat cruise Alison, Radhika, Stephen G, and myself walked around to the nice shopping area and sat and talked.


The next night out we all went to a ruins pub called Szimpla. I had never heard of a ruins pub in my life before this trip, they are basically what they sound like ruins turned into a giant bar. What was really cool is that it was all open aired! Kathy and I stuck together the whole night and when we were at Doboz danced like fools! It was an awesome night out and I know this whole trip is just going to be craziness.


I'm meeting so many awesome people and just soaking in all of what Budapest has to offer. More to come! --Szia!

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