Monday, November 4, 2013

Wine Festival

"Budapest and Wine Fest"

The day of the Wine Festival may have been one of the best days I've had in Budapest thus far. I started the day off exploring by myself. I walked to St. Stephen's Basilica and went inside. It is so beautiful inside of the church, the walls in the church were so pretty and intricate. 

Later in the day I went sightseeing with Radhika, Claudia, and Jake. We went all over Budapest! We started at St. Stephen's Basilica, but this time we all went up to the top of the church. You could see all of Budapest from the top of St. Stephen's, it was breathtaking. After walking back down we all grabbed gelato from a cute little place that makes them in the shape of flowers. It was also pretty delicious. We also found this cute little park that had a fountain that was motion censored, it made you feel like you could control when the water turned on. All of us really liked pretending like we could "bend" water!

Then we headed over to Hero's Square. Hero's Square is a large area where there are statues of past Hungarian Diplomats and lots of museums. Of course we decided to climb on top of the statues, because we are all kids at heart. As we were walking around we stumbled on a little festival. The festival had a lot of booths set-up with different foods to try and an area with a live play going on. The different samples of Hungarian sausages were sooo yummy!

Now it was time for Wine Fest! Not going to lie, I had been looking forward to Wine Fest all day. Drinking different kinds of wine from all over the world at Buda Castle? How freakin' cool is that?! So with that being said Wine Festival was AH-MAZING! I felt like a Princess drinking wine in the court yard of a Castle!! It was so much fun to just walk around with everyone and try the different wines, while enjoying the beautiful scenery of course. We met David and Phil, who are from London, and they were a lot of fun to hangout with and gave us some really great wine recommendations. My favorite wine was a bubbly red that Therese and I tried.

It was such a great day of sightseeing, can't wait to see what more Budapest has to offer. Until next time... Szia!

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