Sunday, July 14, 2013

Today's Working Girl

"The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl"

For any of those out there who question their work every now and again should read this book! It is witty, funny, and provides great advice. 

"Working Girl" is the narrator of the book and has had 59 jobs over 40 years in 22 different cities and 4 countries. Her jobs have ranged anywhere from a ditch digger, to an artist, to a model. 

The book gives a lot of good tips that anyone can apply to their work situation, to eventually get to and find their place in the workforce. The advice is sometimes obvious stuff that you might not realize can help your career like, "It's the stuff you don't do that you regret the most". 

For myself I know that I will use this book for future reference when I am looking for a job. I could already relate to some of the situations from my previous jobs. 

This book gives me hope for the future to trust what my instincts tell me and try something new that will bring me to my dream job. Maybe I will work in Paris or the Vineyards of California or who knows. All I know is that I will figure out my way in life and so will you!

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