Saturday, July 6, 2013

Moving Out

Moving Out

So a week ago I moved out of my apartment in Lincoln Park to move back home to Park Ridge. Since I will be studying abroad in a few months, I was not going to be renewing my apartment lease and living with my other roommates again. Well to be honest, it also had to do with bad feelings towards one of the roommates as well, but nobody wants to hear about that story. 

Moving out itself was a pain in the butt. I lived on the top floor of an old three building apartment (no elevators) and going up and down all my stairs was not very fun. But, the moving out was actually a lot more organized than I thought it was going to be. 

I decided to use all of my luggage/extra store bags in place of boxes; kind of killing two birds with one stone there. I also used a handy trick I found on Pinterest, of leaving clothes on hangers and putting them in a garabage bag so you don't have to take everything off the hangers and re-organize later. This made things so much easier and this link has a ton of other great ideas,

Once everything was packed up and moved back to my bedroom in Park Ridge, my room looked like a tornado hit. I seriously wasn't sure my clothes would even fit back into my closet (luckily the did)! I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in my room if it was a mess, so I spent a couple of hours organizing and it wasn't so bad. 

Now that I am officially moved back to suburbia, I need a new hobby! Maybe one that involves being outside, like tennis? I don't know but I'll think of something soon. 

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