Sunday, July 14, 2013

Attempted Detox

"My attempt of detoxing"

Well this entry is kind of embarrassing for me to write about. Basically my sister and I have been talking about doing some kind of detox cleanse since summer began.

We looked at a bunch of different ones that we had seen on Pinterest and finally decided that the Dr. Oz 3-day cleanse was the one for us. This is what the cleanse required.

Looks simple enough, right?? That's exactly what I thought! I'm going to Northern Michigan later this week and I thought now was a perfect time to start the detox, to be beach bod ready!

The one thing that I didn't count on is that I would get sick from the detox. I got up this morning and drank the breakfast smoothie and thought, man this is going to be an easy 3-days!! I was so psyched and already felt healthier.

Fast forward to the lunch smoothie. While preparing this drink, I suddenly realized that it contained celery and cucumbers. Why was this a problem you ask? Well for one these are my two most despised vegetables ever. I can't explain why I hate both of these vegetables so much, other than I just do! 

Now I tried to be a good sport about it and figured there were other things in the drink that would offset the taste of the celery and cucumbers. Man was I wrong!

The first taste wasn't so bad and then my gag reflex kicked in. I tried to suck it down fast, but that was the dumbest thing I could have ever done; resulted in me having to choke back vomit. ICK!!

I felt like such a wimp, my sister on the other hand was enjoying her's like it was a tropical drink!! I didn't even finish half of it before I announced that I couldn't do this. I was so disappointed in myself, but then again drinking that lunch meal was torture!!

My sister (the good sport that she is) agreed that this detox wasn't going to work and we drove to get something substantial to eat. 

Morale of this story is that I need to find a better way to detox. Maybe one that avoids anything with celery or cucumbers?! Have any suggestions, please let me know!!

Until I find something that doesn't make me gag, I will just have to make friends with the toxins in my body. 

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