Sunday, June 23, 2013

We Can't Stop

"We Can't Stop"

So by now everyone who has access to a computer and YouTube have seen Miley Cyrus's music video for We Can't Stop. In case you are one of the few that haven't seen it you should check it out! It is pure ridiculousness and definitely not what anyone was expecting from Miley.

But the great thing about this video and Miley, in general, is that she doesn't care what other people think of her! Sometimes you just need to be okay with being yourself and not care what people are saying about you. Because really when it comes down to it, being yourself is all you need to worry about!

So do want you like to do! Go out and not care for once what anyone else is wearing, drinking, eating, dating, buying, doing, whatever! I for one am going to try and care less about what other people think of me, because really all the matters is that I accept myself and I'm not going to hide my true self from the world.

Be you and you will have the world. So take it from Miley, because "We Can't Stop" being who we truly are.

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