Saturday, June 15, 2013

This little thing called Change

This little thing called Change

Change is always a little scary and many of us try to avoid change at all costs. But, change is necessary and more often than not a good thing. Change can transform your life and be a beautiful, wonderful reminder that life goes on no matter what happens.

As the school year comes to an end there are many changes going on in my life. I will be leaving my job, moving out of my apartment, watching my best friends graduate, and once September comes around I will be living in another country for a semester. All of these changes in my life are really scary for me right now, because I just don't know what the future holds. I am a planner and when I can't plan things (i.e the future/change) it freaks me out!!

I think what I am most nervous for is not knowing what is going to happen in the next school year or the years after that. Will I be homesick while I'm away in Budapest? Who am I going to hangout with on the weekends when all my friends aren't living around me anymore? and How am I suppose to move all my stuff out of my apartment??

Last night I went to bed in tears after hanging out with all my friends graduating, just thinking of how we may never all be together like this again. Waking up this morning I realized that I can't dwell on all these unknowns going on in my head, I have to let them go and just go with the flow. I know that sounds ridiculously corny but for right now that is exactly what I am going to do.

Sometimes you just have to accept that change is inevitable and embrace all the good things that will come from it!

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